AAAA Records in Shared Web Hosting
If you use a service through a third-party service provider and you need to create an AAAA record to direct a domain name or a subdomain to their system, you will be able to do that with just a few mouse clicks in the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all of our shared web hosting plans. As soon as you log in, you need to visit the DNS Records section where you are going to find all records for every domain address or subdomain hosted inside the account. Creating a new record is as basic as clicking on a button, picking the type from a drop-down options menu, that is to be AAAA in this case, and then inserting the value, or the actual IPv6 address, inside a text box. As an additional option you could modify the TTL value (Time To Live), that defines how long the record is going to be active after you edit it or delete it in the future. The new AAAA record will be operating in only an hour and will propagate worldwide an hour or two later, so the hostname for which you have created it will start redirecting to the new web server.