Web Tools
Built–in Web Tools to take your site to a new stage

Applying our Web Tools, you’ll be able to concentrate on your web site’s reputation right from the Control Panel. From the Sitemap Generator you can get a precise sitemap for your web site in no time. You’ll be able to publish the sitemap to search engines so that they can crawl your web site in a timely manner. At the same time, by way of the RSS News syndication tool, you can install regularly updated publications on your website, which is a warranty for better ranking positions with search engines. KaZAPO Networks’s GeoIP re–direction application will enable you to route website visitors from a particular country into a specific language version of your web site for more precise targeting outcomes.
A Sitemap Generator
A sitemap tool included straight into your Control Panel
In case you have recently brought out your website and want it to be located a lot faster from the the search engines, or if you need to offer your web visitors a rapid method to navigate through all of your web pages, you’ll need to use a sitemap. Sitemap is a a list of all the pages on your web site that are hyperlinked to. In most cases, you need to make use of 3rd party tools to get the job done, however with KaZAPO Networks, you have access to a Sitemap Generator incorporated straight to the Control Panel.
The Sitemap Generator we provide is definitely easy to use and because it’s totally suitable for our cloud shared web hosting platform – your website is going to be examined really fast.
GeoIP Redirection
Easy location–driven redirection
KaZAPO Networks offers a simple and easy tool, which will help you narrow the customers of your site based on their country. For instance, with the GeoIP re–direction tool, you can quickly send all of the customers from Spain towards the Spanish version of your site if you’ve got such. This will help you target your clients more precisely and offer them with the online experience they anticipate.
No specific skills or technical expertise are needed to make use of the GeoIP redirection tool, and you will no longer have to use .htaccess files to complete the job.
RSS News
Showcase the most up–to–date headlines on your web site
In the KaZAPO Networks Control Panel, we’ve built in a tool, which allows you to add publications from the most popular news outlets globally in your web sites, with just a click. Our News application operates on auto–pilot and won’t require any extra setup work from you,
The RSS News Syndication component is fully customizable in terms of HTML and CSS. You could adjust the number of information bits that are going to be showcased, exactly how they will appear like, precisely how they will be arranged, and so forth.